Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Bit Obsessed...

My television habits usually center around a certain celebrity: Tyra Banks. I LOVE America's Next Top Model, I would spend hours watching marathons on VH1 back home, usually wasting my entire Saturday. I could never be on ANTM (I'm not tall enough and they like ugly pretty, I'm just pretty pretty), but I love watching these awkward girls turn into something beautiful and confident. It's always nice to see the underdog win, and Tyra Banks is so amazing, I love her!

So it's no surprise that my television viewing was focused on America's Next Top Model. This past cycle just finished up, and I watched it religiously in the lobby of my dorm every Wednesday. I learned that people who watch ANTM are pretty vain, every commercial was about some beauty product or procedure. I don't really think it affected me, I like myself the way I am! During this time frame though, young girls are targeted as imperfect and flawed, and advertisers definitely take advantage of this lack of self-confidence (which is ironic, because the aim of the show is to show young women they are beautiful from the inside out!). This show provides me entertainment and enjoyment (some girls fight about the stupidest things!), and I like talking about it with others who enjoy it too! It's a good way to unwind and escape, even if it's just for an hour.

(Oh, and The Office is amazing too! But I don't watch it on television, I watch it online with my boyfriend instead.)


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