Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog Reflection

I really think these were a good idea. My English class had a weekly blog challenge, and I like how I was able to use my blog in this class too. I also really liked the fact that these were due at each test, and not at a specific time frame. I didn't feel rushed to get them done, and I could work on one here and there. I was better at getting them done the first time though, I had to work fast to get the others done.

A suggestion for future semesters would be to maybe have a list of five or six per topic and have everyone pick one and write about it. Two per lesson was a lot, and I think focusing on one per issue would help students understand better.

This was one of my favorite classes this semester, I learned that I really want to go into Communications! I really enjoyed having reps from each emphasis come in and talk about what they do and give some tips and insight for getting in the major. I want to pursue a career in advertising, and I know that if I work hard and stay focused, I can make it and be successful!

Thanks for a great semester, hopefully I'll see you around!


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